- Abstract
- Adoption Records
- Affidavit
- Affinity
- Agnate
- Ahnentafel
- Alien
- Almanac
- Alodial
- Ancestor
- Ancestral File
- Ancestral Hall
- Ancestral Home
- Annulment
- Antenuptial
- Apprenticeship
- Appurtenance
- Archival Research
- Archive
- Armiger
- Assize
- Autosomal DNA
- Banns
- Bastardy Bonds
- Benefice
- Beneficiary
- Bequest
- Bigamy
- Bilateral Descent
- Bill of Mortality
- Biographical Sketch
- Biological Marker
- Biological Parent
- Birth Certificate
- Birthright
- Blazon
- Bloodline
- Borough
- Bounty Land
- Brick Wall
- Burial Record
- Cadastral Survey
- Cadet Branch
- Canon Law
- Canonization
- Cartulary
- Case Law
- Caste
- Caste System
- Cenotaph
- Census Record
- Census Schedule
- Certified Copy
- Chain of Title
- Chancery
- Chancery Records
- Chattel
- Church Records
- Citation
- Civil Law
- Civil Registration
- Civil Union
- Clan
- Cluster Research
- Coat of Arms
- Codicil
- Cognate
- Collateral Ancestor
- Common Ancestor
- Common Era (CE)
- Common Law Marriage
- Compiled Genealogy
- Consanguineous
- Consanguinity
- Consanguinity Chart
- Coroner's Inquest
- Coterminous
- Court Records
- Crowdsourcing
- Curation
- Curator
- De Facto
- De Jure
- Death Certificate
- Decedent
- Decennial
- Declaration of Intention
- Deed
- Demesne
- Descendancy Chart
- Descendant
- Descent
- Devise
- Diaspora
- Digitization
- Direct Ancestor
- Direct Line
- Divorce Records
- DNA Testing
- Domicile
- Double Dating
- Dowager
- Dower
- Dower Rights
- Dowry
- Draft Records
- Emancipation
- Emigration Records
- Encumbrance
- Endogamy
- Endowment
- Enfeoffment
- Entail
- Enumeration District
- Epitaph
- Escheat
- Escrow
- Estate Inventory
- Ethnicity
- Ethnicity Estimate
- Excerpt
- Excommunication
- Executor
- Exemplification
- Exogamy
- Extant
- Extract
- Family Bible
- Family Crest
- Family Group Sheet
- Family Lore
- Family Reunion
- Family Tree
- FAN Club (Friends, Associates, Neighbours)
- Fee Simple
- Feoffee
- Feudal System
- Filial
- Filiation
- Filiation Proceedings
- Folio
- Forebears
- Fraternal
- Free Persons of Color
- Freehold
- Furlough
- Gavelkind
- Gazetteer
- GEDCOM (Genealogical Data Communication)
- Genealogical Numbering System
- Genealogical Proof Standard
- Genealogical Society
- Generation
- Genetic Genealogy
- Genogram
- Gentry
- Given Name
- Given Name Variation
- Grantee
- Grantor
- Gravestone Inscription
- Guardianship
- Haplography
- Haplogroup
- Haplotyping
- Heir
- Heirloom
- Herald
- Heraldic Visitations
- Heraldry
- Hereditary Title
- Heredity
- Holographic Will
- Homestead
- Household
- Hypodescent
- Illegitimacy
- Immigration Records
- In Memoriam
- Indenture
- Indentured Servant
- Indexing
- Infanticide
- Inheritance
- Inquisition
- Inquisition Post Mortem
- Instrument
- Intermarriage
- Interment
- Intestate
- Intestate Succession
- Inventory
- Jointure
- Jure Uxoris
- Jurisdiction
- Kinsman
- Kith and Kin
- Land Grant
- Land Patent
- Land Records
- Legatee
- Legitimacy
- Letters Testamentary
- Lineage
- Lineage-Linked
- Lineage Society
- Lineal
- Litigation
- Living Relative
- Locality Guide
- Maiden Name
- Manorial System
- Manumission
- Marriage Banns
- Marriage Bond
- Marriage Contract
- Marriage Dispensation
- Marriage License
- Marriage Settlement
- Matriclan
- Matrilineal
- Matrilineal Descent
- Matrilocal
- Matronymic
- Memorial
- Memorial Inscription
- Mesne
- Metes and Bounds
- Metronymic
- Microfilm
- Migration Pattern
- Migration Route
- Military Discharge
- Military Records
- Military Service Record
- Minor
- Miscegenation
- Monogamy
- Mortality Schedule
- Most Recent Common Ancestor (MRCA)
- mtDNA (Mitochondrial DNA)
- Name Change
- Naming Convention
- Naturalisation Records
- Nobility
- Non-Lineal
- Notary Public
- NPE (Non-Paternity Event)
- Nuncupative Will
- Nuptial
- Obituary
- Oblate
- Occultation
- Occupational Records
- One-Name Study
- One-Place Study
- Oral History
- Orphan
- Orphanage Records
- Palaeography
- Parish
- Parish Chest
- Parish Register
- Passenger List
- Paternal
- Patriclan
- Patrilineal
- Patrilineal Descent
- Patrilocal
- Patronymic
- Pedigree Analysis
- Pedigree Chart
- Pedigree Collapse
- Peer
- Peerage
- Pension Application
- Pension Records
- Per Stirpes
- Periodical Source Index (PERSI)
- Personal Effects
- Personal Property
- Petition
- Plat
- Plat Map
- Poll Tax
- Polygamy
- Posthumous Child
- Postmortem
- Power of Attorney
- Prenuptial Agreement
- Primary Source
- Primogenitor
- Primogeniture
- Proband
- Probate Records
- Progenitor
- Progeny
- Propinquity
- Provenance
- Public Record Office
- Quaker Records
- Quarter Sessions
- Quitclaim
- Real Property
- Record Office
- Register
- Relict
- Remarriage
- Removal
- Renunciation
- Replevin
- Repository
- Research Log
- Right of Primogeniture
- Royal Descent
- Sacramental Record
- Sealing
- Search Strategy
- Secondary Source
- Seigniorial
- Sepulchre
- Serfdom
- Settlement
- Sibling
- Sibship
- Social History
- Sororal
- Soundex
- Source Citation
- Source List
- Squire
- Step-Relationship
- Subpoena
- Succession
- Succession Duty
- Sui Juris
- Summons
- Surety
- Surname
- Surname Origin
- Surname Variation
- Table of Consanguinity
- Tax List
- Tertiary Source
- Testate
- Testator
- Tithe
- Tithe Maps
- Tithing
- Toft
- Tombstone
- Toponymy
- Torrens System
- Township
- Township Plat
- Traditional Narrative
- Transcript
- Transcription
- Trustee
- Ultimogeniture
- Unilateral Descent
- Vassal
- Vestry
- Vicar
- Vicar General
- Visitation
- Vital Records
- Vital Statistics
- Wapentake
- Ward
- Wardship
- Warrant
- Wergild
- Widow's Pension
- Will
- Witness
- Writ
- Y-DNA Haplogroup
- YOB (Year of Birth)
- YOD (Year of Death)
- Youthful Age
- Zealous